Enhanced eBooks

The late 20th century and, even more so, the first one and a half decades of the new millennium has seen an explosion in the avenues open to “Everyman” to express himself. From the foul sewers of anonymous Internet threads to the elevated reaches of on-line publishing, the electronic cornucopia has created a global audience to mere talent (or even simply, energy) rather than being limited to genius – if that was ever the case?

Is that a “good thing”? You are damn right it is. The flood of energetic and talented people into the vast spaces of the virtual world has enriched all our lives and has offered new opportunities to create meaning above the basic issues of food, reproduction and survival. I, for one, am excited daily by the wealth offered by the Internet and the challenges it provides.

And this has not been at the expense of ordinary life and human relationships.  Perhaps the contrary. The Internet has widened my own intellectual and emotional universe. That, surely, is a good thing.

These brief thoughts are the prelude to an “Announcement“! I am about to enter the world of enhanced ebooks. Probably the majority of the small readership I have on this blog knows more about the topic than I do. But for those of you for whom those words raise only misty connections you may find this site useful.

This new (ad)venture will be announced in more detail in due course. Apparently, to make it a success it is necessary for me to increase (and improve) my web presence. So you may still see a revamp and renaming of this site. and more frequent communication.

One of the many options offered by current enhanced ebook software is the ability to add audio, images and even videos to the product. I will keep you up to date on progress but in the meantime, you may want to look at this short video which will be part of my first venture.

I am sending this to a wider list of contacts than usual. If it irritates you please simply delete.  If it intrigues you, maybe you will subscribe so that you will be kept informed of future posts. But best of all, please comment and offer any advice or criticism which could help me steer a better path forward. Many Thanks

Mike Berger

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